Detect emotions of your favorite toons


1 votes
Approved, Approved, Approved, Deep Learning, Classification, Machine Learning

Problem statement

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated globally on March 20 every year with an objective to promote happiness and well-being as a fundamental human right for all. On this International Day of Happiness, we are bringing back all the joy and happiness for you. This fun challenge requires you to build a model that detects emotions of your favorite characters of the iconic toon show—Tom and Jerry.


You are required to extract frames from a video clip that is provided in the dataset and classify the primary character’s emotion into one of the following five classes:

  • Angry
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Surprised
  • Unknown


  • The character prioritization is Tom > Jerry > Others.
  • In case a frame does not contain Tom or Jerry’s faces for emotion detection, it is classified as ‘Unknown’,


Data files 

The dataset contains two video files and two .csv files. These files perform the following tasks:

  • Train Tom and jerry.mp4: Video file used for training
  • Train.csv: Contains human-generated labels for 298 frames [FrameRate=5] from the training video
  • Test Tom and jerry.mp4: Video file to detect emotions on the face
  • Test.csv: Contains 186 frames [FrameRate=5] from the test video in .csv format

Data description




Indicates the frame of the video in .jpg format


Emotion label: angry, sad, happy, surprised, Unknown

Submission format

You are required to write your predictions into a .csv file and upload it by clicking Upload File.

Evaluation criteria


Time Limit: 5
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:
Editor Image
