Employees are the most important part of an organization. Successful employees meet deadlines, make sales, and build the brand through positive customer interactions.
Employee attrition is a major cost to an organization and predicting such attritions is the most important requirement of the Human Resources department in many organizations. In this problem, your task is to predict the attrition rate of employees of an organization.
Column Name | Description |
Employee_ID | Unique ID of each employee |
Age | Age of each employee |
Unit | Department under which the employee work |
Education | Rating of Qualification of an employee (1-5) |
Gender | Male-0 or Female-1 |
Decision_skill_possess | Decision skill that an employee possesses |
Post_Level | Level of the post in an organization (1-5) |
Relationship_Status | Categorical Married or Single |
Pay_Scale | Rate in between 1 to 10 |
Time_of_service | Years in the organization |
growth_rate | Growth rate in percentage of an employee |
Time_since_promotion | Time in years since the last promotion |
Work_Life_balance | Rating for work-life balance given by an employee. |
Travel_Rate | Rating based on travel history(1-3) |
Hometown | Name of the city |
Compensation_and_Benefits | Categorical Variabe |
VAR1 - VAR5 | Anominised variables |
Attrition_rate(TARGET VARIABLE) | Attrition rate of each employee |
You are required to write your predictions in a .csv file that contain the following columns:
The evaluation metric that is used for this problem is the root mean squared error. The formula is as follows:
\(score=100*max(0,1-root\_mean\_squared\_error(actual\_values, predicted\_values))\)