You work in an event management company. On Mother's Day, your company has organized an event where they want to cast positive Mother's Day related tweets in a presentation. Data engineers have already collected the data related to Mother's Day that must be categorized into positive, negative, and neutral tweets.
You are appointed as a Machine Learning Engineer for this project. Your task is to build a model that helps the company classify these sentiments of the tweets into positive, negative, and neutral.
This data set consists of six columns:
Column Name | Description |
id | ID of tweet |
original_text | Text of tweet |
lang | Language of tweet |
retweet_count | Number of times retweeted |
original_author | Twitter handle of Author |
sentiment_class | Sentiment of Tweet (Target) |
The data folder consists of two .csv files. The details are as follows:
You are required to write your predictions in a .csv file and upload it by clicking the Upload File button.
Sample submission
Note: To avoid any discrepancies in the scoring, ensure all the index column (id) values in the submitted file match the values in the provided test.csv file.