Predicting tweet sentiments


2 votes
Machine Learning, Classification, Approved

Problem statement

You work in an event management company. On Mother's Day, your company has organized an event where they want to cast positive Mother's Day related tweets in a presentation. Data engineers have already collected the data related to Mother's Day that must be categorized into positive, negative, and neutral tweets.

You are appointed as a Machine Learning Engineer for this project. Your task is to build a model that helps the company classify these sentiments of the tweets into positive, negative, and neutral.

Data description

This data set consists of six columns:

Column Name Description
id ID of tweet
original_text Text of tweet
lang Language of tweet
retweet_count Number of times retweeted
original_author Twitter handle of Author
sentiment_class Sentiment of Tweet (Target)

The data folder consists of two .csv files. The details are as follows:

  • train.csv: 3235 x 6
  • test.csv: 1387 x 5

Submission format

You are required to write your predictions in a .csv file and upload it by clicking the Upload File button.

Sample submission


Evaluation metric


Note: To avoid any discrepancies in the scoring, ensure all the index column (id) values in the submitted file match the values in the provided test.csv file.

Time Limit: 5
Memory Limit: 256
Source Limit:
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