Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training Definition 

Sensitivity training refers to educational programs designed to help people understand and respect the perspectives and personal backgrounds of their colleagues. This type of training is crucial for HR professionals to create an inclusive and harmonious workplace environment. It aims to minimize misunderstandings and conflicts, enhance interpersonal relationships, and promote empathy and respect among employees of all levels.

Sensitivity Training Best Practices

  • Tailored Training Programs: Develop training programs that address the specific needs and diversity of your workforce.
  • Engaging and Interactive Methods: Use interactive workshops, role-playing scenarios, and group discussions to foster greater participation and understanding.
  • Ongoing Education: Sensitivity training should be an ongoing effort, not a one-time event. Regular refreshers and updates to the training material are essential.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Collect feedback from employees post-training to assess its effectiveness and areas for improvement.

How Does it Work?

Sensitivity training typically involves activities and discussions led by a trained facilitator. It encourages employees to share their experiences and perspectives, often in a workshop setting. These sessions are designed to challenge preconceptions and biases, and to foster understanding and empathy among team members. The training can cover a range of topics, including cultural diversity, gender sensitivity, sexual orientation, and disability awareness.

Key Features of Sensitivity Training

  • Diversity and Inclusion Focus: Concentrates on respecting and valuing diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Conflict Resolution: Equips employees with the skills to handle interpersonal conflicts sensitively and effectively.
  • Empathy Building: Encourages understanding of others’ feelings and viewpoints.
  • Improved Communication: Aims to enhance communication skills for a more inclusive workplace dialogue.


Effectiveness can be ensured by making the training relevant, engaging, and a part of a broader strategy of continuous learning and development.

Yes, making it mandatory for all employees, including management, emphasizes its importance and ensures a consistent understanding across the organization.

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