Skill Mapping

Skill Mapping Definition

Skill mapping is a crucial process in human resources management that involves identifying and assessing the skills and competencies of employees within an organization. By creating a detailed inventory of the skills possessed by individuals, HR professionals can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their workforce, align employee skills with business objectives, and make informed decisions about training and development initiatives.

How Does it Work?

Skill mapping typically starts with a thorough analysis of job roles and responsibilities within the organization. HR professionals can use various tools and techniques, such as skill gap analysis and competency frameworks, to identify the specific skills and knowledge required for each role. Once the required skills are determined, employees are then evaluated based on their current abilities and proficiency levels. This assessment can be done through surveys, performance reviews, or skills assessment tests.

Skill Mapping Key Features

One of the key features of skill mapping is its ability to provide strategic insights into workforce planning and talent management. By mapping out the skills of employees, HR professionals can identify potential gaps in the organization’s skill set and take proactive steps to address them. Skill mapping can also help in creating personalized development plans for individual employees, aligning training programs with organizational goals, and ensuring the right talent is in the right roles.


It is recommended to update skill mapping on a regular basis, at least once a year or whenever there are significant changes in job roles or business objectives.

Skill mapping helps HR professionals in making informed decisions about talent acquisition, retention, and development. It also enables them to identify high-potential employees, create succession plans, and manage talent effectively.

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