One on One Meeting

One on One Meeting Meaning

A one-on-one meeting is a regular, scheduled meeting between a manager and an employee, aimed at discussing the employee’s performance, goals, feedback, and any concerns or issues. These meetings foster open communication and help build a strong working relationship.

Key Features of One on One Meetings:

  1. Regular Scheduling: Held regularly, such as weekly or bi-weekly, to maintain consistent communication.
  2. Personalized Interaction: Focused on the individual employee’s needs, goals, and performance.
  3. Feedback and Development: Provides an opportunity for both parties to give and receive feedback, discuss development plans, and address any issues.

Best Practices for Conducting One on One Meetings:

  • Prepare in Advance: Both the manager and the employee should prepare for the meeting, bringing relevant topics and questions.
  • Active Listening: Managers should actively listen to the employee’s concerns and feedback, fostering a supportive environment.
  • Actionable Outcomes: Ensure each meeting concludes with clear, actionable outcomes and follow-up steps.

How One on One Meetings Work:

One on one meetings typically involve a private conversation between a manager and an employee, focusing on the employee’s progress, challenges, and career development. These meetings provide a dedicated time for discussing personal goals, performance feedback, and any issues affecting the employee’s work.


One on one meetings are important for fostering open communication, building trust, and ensuring that employees feel supported and valued. They also help managers understand and address any issues early on.

To make one on one meetings more effective, set a regular schedule, prepare an agenda in advance, actively listen to the employee, and follow up on action items discussed in previous meetings.

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