What is Orientation in HRM

What is Orientation in HRM?

Orientation in Human Resource Management (HRM) is the process of introducing new employees to the organization, its culture, policies, procedures, and their specific job responsibilities. It is a critical component of the onboarding process.

Key Features of Orientation in HRM:

  1. Introduction to the Organization: Provides an overview of the company’s mission, values, and structure.
  2. Policy and Procedure Overview: Covers important policies, procedures, and expectations for new hires.
  3. Role Clarification: Clarifies the new employee’s role, responsibilities, and performance expectations.

Best Practices for Conducting Orientation:

  • Structured Program: Develop a structured orientation program that covers all necessary topics.
  • Engagement Activities: Include interactive activities to engage new employees and facilitate learning.
  • Follow-Up Support: Provide ongoing support and resources to help new hires transition smoothly into their roles.

How Orientation Works:

Orientation typically involves presentations, tours, and introductions to key personnel. New employees receive information on the organization’s history, culture, policies, and procedures. This process helps new hires understand their role and integrate into the workplace more effectively.


Orientation is important because it helps new employees understand the organization, their role, and expectations, leading to a smoother transition and quicker integration into the workplace.

An orientation program should include an overview of the company, key policies and procedures, introductions to team members, a tour of the workplace, and information on job responsibilities and expectations.

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