Used for hiring
Python Developers
Flask Developers
Full stack Developers
Skills required
Flask framework
Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Flask Developer Assessment
You can test a candidate on the following areas to assess their proficiency in Flask:
- Experience with Flask framework
- Python development experience
- Web application development
How this test helps with hiring Flask candidates
Steps to assess Flask Developers
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Common types of assessments used by our top customers
Flask Framework
Python and OOP
Sample questions
Which of the following is used to set the time limit of a permanent session in Flask?
- setTime
- timedeltaCorrect Answer
- setdelta
- settimedelta
“In Flask, which of the following about alembic is correct:
1.It is a Python-based tool to manage database migrations and uses SQLAlchemy as the underlying engine.
2.Alembic largely provides automatic migrations with some limitations.
3.Alembic doesn’t provide automatic migrations.”
- 1
- 2
- 1 and 2Correct Answer
- 3
Which of these is a datatype of the output returned by the following Flask code:
- dictionaryCorrect Answer
- list
- int
- string