HackerEarth's extensive experience and wider question library allow it to offer better features for tech recruiting teams including

Flexible and scalable pricing structure that works well for larger enterprises as well as startups and SMBs

Wider range of features, especially in assessment customization, interview tools and proctoring features

Extensive integrations, especially with major HR and ATS systems, which lead to a more seamless experience

Round-the-clock support for enhanced user experience and real-time troubleshooting

Comparison highlights

Features HackerEarth CodeSignal
Project Based Questions Supports  Yes No Support  No
Programming Languages 40+ 38
Leaked Question Indicator Supports  Yes No Support  No
Smart Browser Supports  Yes No Support  No
Library Questions 23000+ 4000
Code Quality Check Supports  Yes No Support  No
Pooling and Timing Sections Supports  Yes No Support  No
Advanced Question Types Supports  Yes No Support  No
Test/Global Benchmarks in Reports Supports  Yes No Support  No
ID Verification Supports  Yes No Support  No
Recommended Cutoff and Test Duration Supports  Yes No Support  No
Criteria to Filter Candidates Multiple Based on the score range
Skill-Wise Performance Chart Supports  Yes No Support  No

In-depth comparison

Feature HackerEarth CodeSignal
Supported Roles Fullstack, Machine Learning, Data Science, DevOps etc. Coding (limited to specific languages)
Question Types Coding, MCQs, Diagram-based, Fullstack, ML, DevOps, etc. (8+) Coding (limited frameworks)
Programming Languages 40+ 36
Candidate Reminders Email reminders Not mentioned
Reporting Global & test Benchmarks, Interview summaries Limited reporting options
Anti-Cheating AI-powered webcam, Fullscreen mode, Snapshots, Smart Browser proctoring Screen sharing, Video/Audio monitoring
Customizable Assessments Yes Yes
Automated Evaluation Yes (most question types) Manual evaluation for full stack

Comparative Analysis

HackerEarth offers a more comprehensive set of features for recruitment, including support for various roles and question types, coding in over 40 languages, and automated interview summaries. It also provides anti-cheating measures like Smart Browser, AI-powered webcam monitoring. However, CodeSignal lacks breadth and automation in its assessment features.

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Feature HackerEarth Startups Package CodeSignal Startups Package
Price $209 per month (billed annually) $100 per month
Invites 20 invites 15 invites
Feature HackerEarth Enterprises Package CodeSignal Enterprises Package
Price $419 per month (billed annually) $500 per month
Invites 50 invites 25 invites

Comparative Analysis

HackerEarth offers diverse pricing packages tailored for startups and enterprises, including customisable options. In contrast, CodeSignal lacks transparent pricing details, requiring customers to contact sales, highlighting HackerEarth's more versatile pricing approach.

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Feature HackerEarth CodeSignal
HR Platform Integrations Bullhorn, ZOHO, SAP SuccessFactors Integrations available (details not public)
ATS System Integrations Ashby, iCIMS 11 Integrations Available
Benefits Streamlined workflows, data sync, improved communication Streamlined technical hiring and learning/development

Comparative Analysis

HackerEarth's integrations with leading HR platforms like Bullhorn and ZOHO enhance recruitment workflows by synchronising candidate data and improving communication. Additionally, it collaborates with various industry platforms and ATS systems, providing comprehensive integration capabilities compared to CodeSignal.

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Feature HackerEarth CodeSignal
Support Hours 24/7 Email
Concurrent Assessments 100,000+ candidates Limited
Dedicated Account Management Customer Success & Account Managers Not mentioned

Comparative Analysis

HackerEarth's around-the-clock support and multilingual assistance offer a superior and more accessible support structure compared to DevSkiller. Additionally, the availability of multiple support channels ensures that users can easily seek assistance whenever needed, enhancing the overall user experience.

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Security Aspect HackerEarth CodeSignal
Security Protocols Strict adherence to major guidelines & data privacy protocols GDPR and other security policies compliance
Uptime 99.99% Not mentioned
Compliance EEOC, GDPR, ISO 27001, ISO 27017 GDPR and others (details not specified)
Data Security Measures Encryption, access controls, regular audits Encryption, access controls, regular audits
Data Transparency & Control User control over data, transparent processing practices User control over data, transparent processing practices

Comparative Analysis

HackerEarth maintains a superior security posture by implementing advanced security protocols, undergoing regular audits, and holding certifications to ensure compliance with industry standards. While DevSkiller also emphasizes security measures, HackerEarth's comprehensive approach and certifications provide users with greater confidence in the platform's ability to protect sensitive data and maintain a secure environment.

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10 Reasons Why HackerEarth is Better Than CodeSignal

Streamlining Candidate Filtering:
HackerEarth streamlines candidate filtering through comprehensive section-wise performance reports, language proficiency metrics, analytics on question types, and post-screening test time tracking capabilities.
Tailored Assessments for Varied Roles:
Tailor assessments to specific needs or choose from a vast library of over 23,000 questions and 80+ skills tests, accommodating diverse recruitment scenarios, including those overseen by non-technical recruiters.

Advanced Proctoring Methods:
Offering features like real-time collaborative coding, smart browser and periodic snapshots, HackerEarth elevates the assessment process compared to CodeSignal. Unlike CodeSignal, it implements additional measures like detecting tab switching, fullscreen mode and IP restrictions to deter cheating.

Programming Language Versatility:
With support for more than 40 programming languages, HackerEarth offers candidates the freedom to showcase their coding skills in their preferred language, unlike CodeSignal, which has fewer language options available.

Dedicated Customer Support:
HackerEarth provides personalised support with 24/7 assistance and dedicated Customer Success and Account Managers, which may exceed the level of support offered by CodeSignal through email on an on-demand basis.

Enhanced Experience with IntelliSense:
HackerEarth’s IntelliSense is a feature that provides real-time code suggestions and auto-completion while candidates are coding during assessments. It helps improve coding efficiency by suggesting code snippets, function names, and variable suggestions.

Greater Scalability:
CodeSignal’s session capacity is limited, thereby preventing organisations from hosting assessments for many candidates without upgrades. In contrast, HackerEarth supports over 100,000 test sessions simultaneously, ensuring scalability and accommodating large-scale assessments without requiring plan changes.

Better Insights:
HackerEarth’s reporting and analytics tools streamline candidate assessment with personalised dashboards and code quality scores, enhancing insight depth. In contrast, CodeSignal’s assessment tool lacks customisation and code quality assurance, requiring manual verification.

500% more questions:
HackerEarth’s question library exceeds CodeSignal’s by 500%, offering recruiters ample resources to assess candidates’ skills comprehensively and efficiently.

15+ ATS Integrations:
HackerEarth boasts 15+ ATS integrations and open-ended API support, enabling seamless recruitment process integration and customisation for diverse needs.