Hiring Manager vs Recruiter

What is the Difference Between a Hiring Manager and a Recruiter?

A hiring manager is a person within a department who is responsible for making the final hiring decision. A recruiter, on the other hand, is a professional who identifies, attracts, and screens candidates for job openings.

Key Features of Hiring Managers

  • Decision-Making Authority: Responsible for the final hiring decision.
  • Departmental Insights: Understands the specific needs and dynamics of the department.
  • Interviewing Candidates: Conducts interviews and evaluates candidates’ fit for the role.

Key Features of Recruiters

  • Talent Sourcing: Identifies and attracts potential candidates.
  • Screening: Conducts initial interviews and assessments to shortlist candidates.
  • Coordination: Manages the recruitment process and liaises between candidates and hiring managers.

Best Practices for Collaboration Between Hiring Managers and Recruiters

  1. Clear Communication: Maintain open and regular communication throughout the recruitment process.
  2. Aligned Objectives: Ensure both parties have a shared understanding of the job requirements and desired candidate profile.
  3. Timely Feedback: Provide prompt and constructive feedback on candidates.
  4. Leverage Expertise: Utilize the recruiter’s expertise in sourcing and the hiring manager’s insights into departmental needs.
  5. Collaborative Decision-Making: Work together to make informed and balanced hiring decisions.


By maintaining clear communication, aligning on objectives, and leveraging each other’s expertise throughout the hiring process.

Recruiters focus on sourcing and screening candidates, while hiring managers evaluate and make the final hiring decision.

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