Peer Appraisal

Peer Appraisal Definition:

Peer appraisal, also known as peer review, is a performance evaluation method where employees assess the performance and contributions of their colleagues. This approach provides a comprehensive view of an employee’s performance from multiple perspectives.

Key Features of Peer Appraisal:

  1. Multisource Feedback: Collects feedback from colleagues who work closely with the employee being evaluated.
  2. Objective Evaluation: Provides a broader and more objective assessment of performance.
  3. Development Focus: Helps identify strengths and areas for improvement from a peer perspective.

Best Practices for Implementing Peer Appraisal:

  • Clear Criteria: Establish clear and objective criteria for peer evaluations to ensure fairness.
  • Training: Provide training to employees on how to give constructive feedback.
  • Anonymity: Ensure anonymity to encourage honest and unbiased feedback.

How Peer Appraisal Works:

In a peer appraisal process, employees evaluate their peers based on predefined criteria. The feedback is collected, often anonymously, and compiled to provide a comprehensive performance review. This feedback is then shared with the employee, along with recommendations for development.


Peer appraisal provides a well-rounded view of an employee’s performance, encourages a culture of feedback, and can reveal insights not visible to managers alone.

Organizations can ensure effectiveness by providing clear evaluation criteria, training employees on constructive feedback, ensuring confidentiality, and integrating peer appraisals with other performance management processes.

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