Whiteboard Coding Interview

Whiteboard Coding Interview Definition:

A Whiteboard Coding Interview is a technical interview format where candidates are asked to solve coding problems on a whiteboard or digital equivalent. This method assesses problem-solving skills, coding proficiency, and the ability to communicate solutions effectively.

Key Features of Whiteboard Coding Interviews:

  • Real-Time Problem Solving: Candidates solve coding problems in real-time, demonstrating their thought process.
  • Interactive: Allows for interaction and discussion with the interviewer.
  • Focus on Fundamentals: Emphasizes fundamental programming concepts and algorithms.
  • Communication Skills: Evaluates the candidate’s ability to explain their approach and reasoning.
  • Hands-On Assessment: Provides a hands-on assessment of coding abilities without the use of compilers or debugging tools.

Best Practices for Whiteboard Coding Interviews:

  • Practice Regularly: Regularly practice coding problems on a whiteboard or similar surface.
  • Clarify Requirements: Ask clarifying questions to ensure understanding of the problem requirements.
  • Plan Before Coding: Plan your approach and outline the solution before starting to code.
  • Think Aloud: Verbalize your thought process to demonstrate your reasoning and approach.
  • Review and Test: Review your solution and discuss potential test cases and edge cases.

How Whiteboard Coding Interviews Work?

During a Whiteboard Coding Interview, the candidate is given a coding problem and asked to write and explain their solution on a whiteboard. The interviewer evaluates the candidate’s problem-solving skills, coding accuracy, and communication abilities throughout the process.


Common problems include algorithms, data structures, and logical puzzles that test fundamental programming skills.

Preparation involves practicing coding problems, focusing on explaining your thought process, and becoming comfortable with writing code on a whiteboard.

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