We are back!
Tech stood by like a steadfast pillar of support for many businesses throughout the last year. To quote our first edition of this report, “Tech has changed how we live, how we work, how we interact with one another — in fact, it is difficult to find something that tech has not changed.” Throughout 2020 and so far into 2021, this reality is even more pronounced. COVID-19 was as severe as adversity comes, and the tech industry had to adapt on the fly. Instead of allowing a global pandemic to bring the tech world to a standstill, the industry chose to let it fuel its efforts to ensure business continuity. Although it was a rocky start, numbers started to pick up by the second half of 2020. Unemployment rates went down, job vacancies shot up, and remote work became the “new normal” for so many tech employees.
As companies wait for the “next normal” to fully emerge, it behooves one to keep a close watch on the market trends that have coalesced during the past 15 months.
At HackerEarth, our developer community grows stronger by the day; it now stands at 5 million. Understanding how this community thinks, and the expectations hopes, and dreams of every individual, is key to understanding how code will progress moving forward. We present to you, HackerEarth’s 2021 Developer Survey - Code In Progress; a bigger, better, and more insightful report than ever before. With insights from 25,431 developers across 171 countries, the report captures the changes in our world that have impacted the tech industry. While the task of harvesting and nurturing talent is never easy, we trust that the emerging trends in tech hiring will be clarified vis à vis the survey. This would not only help focus attention on existing practices but also highlight any foreseeable changes in the developer ecosystem.
Sachin Gupta
Co-Founder and CEO,
What can you expect
The 2021 HackerEarth Developer Survey aims to shed light on what the programming world looks like through a developer’s lens. The annual report captures important insights into the preferences, challenges, and work-from-home practices of developers (students and working professionals) across the globe. The report also deals with aspects that impact the developer ecosystem, including but not limited to, the most sought-after programming language, the most preferred operating system, roadblocks faced by WFH developers, effective platforms for job hunting, and more.
Understanding our developer ecosystem
The respondents of this survey were both students and working professionals, with varied interests So, before getting into the trends shared by different cohorts, let’s take a minute to profile the developers we surveyed.
Student developers
Students have both the potential and the intent to be talented developers, which is why gathering their opinions was crucial to us. In the rapidly changing tech landscape, the student responses from the survey helped throw light on the popular domain skills, choice of workplace, and the number of hours that students regularly code in a day.
Working Professionals
There have been huge changes in the tech industry because the pandemic made remote work the defacto way of working. So, we asked numerous working professionals what the programming world looks like from their vantage point in 2021. Some of the questions posed to professional developers included: years of work experience, what technologies they are familiar with, and from where they work..
Staying ahead of the skills game
In the constantly evolving world of technology, learning is the only constant. Not only do developers need to practice their present skill set, but also need to evaluate newer, more capable frameworks and languages. This chapter offers a look into how developers learn new skills, and also into which frameworks and programming languages are popular in 2021.
Node.js and AngularJS are the most popular frameworks among students and professionals respectively.
View GraphThe developer state of mind
While it’s important to understand the left-brain aspects of being a developer, it’s just as important to understand the state of mind of developers in 2021. In this chapter, we pull the curtain to reveal how happy developers are, how they like to unwind, and also, how they stay in touch with the happenings of the industry.
How developers get in the zone
Going remote in 2020 certainly made it hard for developers to maintain productivity, but now we have some hindsight on the matter. So, we figured it was the perfect time to ask developers and understand what it takes to be productive. Read on, as we reveal what roadblocks developers face in a remote setting.
What works when looking for work
We asked developers what works when it comes to finding work for themselves in 2021. Read on to get a deeper understanding of how opportunities are found, what employee value propositions are must-haves, what developers prefer when it comes to tech recruitment and coding interviews, and what aspects of working in big-tech are attractive.
40% of developers prefer to be interviewed on tools equipped with video and code editors.
View GraphStudents and working professionals unanimously agree that Big Tech platforms have superior testing and QA capabilities
View GraphMethodology
Our thinking was global
HackerEarth’s mission is to help companies design future-ready tech teams with tools for technical hiring, upskilling, and engaging developers. To pinpoint important trends in the developer community, we surveyed developers (a healthy mix of students and working professionals) worldwide to get their valuable opinion.
Our understanding was the result of thousands of responses
This study presents the results of a survey we conducted from March 2021 to April 2021. We received a total of 25,431 responses from developers across 171 countries with over 20% of the respondents being women.
Our approach was comprehensive
Our in-house team of experts analyzed the results. Percentages may not always add to 100% due to rounding.
List of abbreviations
AoE: Area of expertise
ESOP: Employee stock option plans
YoE: Years of experience