Djangothon 2018

1196 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3
1196 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3

Winners are announced.

starts on:
Nov 17, 2018, 06:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Nov 18, 2018, 08:30 AM UTC (UTC)



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Django has enabled thousands of web developers and helped them build robust websites, with relative ease. This is your time to give back and contribute to open source Django project by building plugins, packages, dev tools and adding enhancements to Django. HackerEarth is hosting an invite-only hackathon to enable this contribution.

If anyone has done development in Django for a decent period of time, they will agree that one thing that makes Django so powerful is the large repository of third-party packages that are available. With this Hackathon, our aim is to give back to the Django community, so what better than contributing to Django packages. In this hackathon, we are calling Django hackers to build that package you always wished was there, but ended up building on your own.

To all those who are new to Django, here is its brief history of time:
Django was born in the fall of 2003, when the web programmers at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper, Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison, began using Python to build applications. It was released publicly under a BSD license in July 2005. The framework was named after guitarist Django Reinhardt. Later in June 2008, it was announced that a newly formed Django Software Foundation (DSF) would maintain Django in the future.

Django at HackerEarth:

Django has also played a central role in pivoting HackerEarth, the platform​.​ It ​has ​helped us​ in​ ​creatively building niche product features with ease and scaling the platform with ​a team of only a few hackers. Today​,​ using Django we are more flexible and​ productive in ​shipping a quality platform for bringing together a community of smart developers alike. You can read here, how we are leveraging Django and building scalable applications at HackerEarth.

In this hackathon, we not only want to build something meaningful but also have fun. After registration, participants will be invited for the finals based on their profile. Snacks and beverages are on the house, so come with your laptops and make Django proud.




This theme would include apps for site analytics, applications metrics, performance measurement, business intelligence metrics, page load time, etc. which can be integrated out of the box with any django site.


Packages that improve existing database engines like MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB or packages that support other databases like Cassandra, RethinkDB, HBase etc. come under this theme. Apps that help you to collect insights and metrics on top of the database engine for e.g., number of queries/sec, average time taken to execute the queries, etc. can also be built.

Dev Tools

A great example of an existing dev tool is django-extensions package. Apps can be built to help debug & log errors faster, improve native runserver, etc. The options in this category are endless and it all depends on building an app for the problem you always faced while writing code in Django.


Can you roll out the simplest & cleanest package to allow users to login in a django site? It can support captcha, throttling or other common things to build a robust authentication system. Again there are lot of improvements that can be done in existing packages like django-allauth or a clean new package can be written from scratch.

API Frameworks

Fed up of all the existing API creation frameworks written in Django? Want to roll out one of your own or improve an existing framework like DRF? You are free to play around, after all it's your battleground.

Django Enhancements

This is a wide category including fields, forms, mixins, templates, or any other core django component where you would like to see enhancements to make the application development better and simpler. You can roll out your own field type, forms, editor, etc. which works out of the box with any django application.

Prizes INR 2,25,000 in prizes

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Main Prizes
1st Prize
INR 1,00,000
2nd Prize
INR 75,000
3rd Prize
INR 50,000

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