Avaya Hackathon

1641 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3
1641 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Mar 06, 2017, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 16, 2017, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
May 06, 2017, 04:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
May 07, 2017, 03:45 AM UTC (UTC)



  1. Do I need to pay any money to register for the Hackathon?
    No. You do not have to pay anything to anyone to register yourself for any Hackathon on HackerEarth.

  2. Do I need to have any specific qualifications to be a participant for the Hackathon?
    If you love to code, you are more than welcome to participate in the Hackathon. As this is a Hack-a-thon for developing Android based applications, a background in Android programming will be helpful.

  3. How do I submit what I have made for the Hackathon?
    You have to develop the application on your local system and submit it on HackerEarth in tar/zip file format along with instructions to run the application and source code.

  4. Do we need to have the entire idea fully working?
    The entire idea need not be fully implemented beforehand, however, it will be helpful to have your idea sufficiently ready, such that it can be added to and demonstrated at the 24-hour online Hack-a-thon event. The submission shall be functional so that it can be ported onto the Vantage platform and demonstrated for review by the judges.

  5. How is the environment? Will your environment support any language? Will you provide any IDE and DB for us to work on ideas?
    You have to develop the entire software application on your local system and submit it on HackerEarth in tar/zip file format along with instructions to run the application and source code.

  6. Does one have to be online and available for the entire duration of the Hackathon?
    There are two phases for this Hack-a-thon.
    Phase 1 – Online – Participants will have access to the Avaya Breeze Client SDK, Zang Cloud, based on which they will develop their applications.
    Phase 2 – Onsite – Participants will have Internet Access at the event site and through it, access to the Avaya backend services to initiate calls (audio/video/conferencing) and send SMS notifications (Zang). They will be required to upload their Android application on the Vantage Platform and demonstrate their application to the judging panel. Points will be awarded based on various categories as outlined in the Judging criteria.

  7. Since there is no specific technology mentioned, are there any restrictions on using number of pre-built libraries?
    There is no restriction to use any language, technology stack, or libraries. You can use any of them to create the web/mobile application.

  8. Do I need to give a demo for the product that I have built?
    You will be required to make presentations, videos etc. for your unique idea. You will have to upload your application onto the Avaya Vantage Platform on the day of the 24-hour Hack-a-thon and demonstrate it.
    Prior to that, you can stub pieces of functionality in your application. It is important to demonstrate the communication capabilities within your application on the day of the event.

  9. A fully developed application need to have a solid backend for data storage like SQL, SharePoint etc. since its online, is it accepted to show only the proto type of it?
    Backend infrastructure will be made available to the participants that are shortlisted to further develop their application code. For the final round, prototypes will not be sufficient.

  10. If it is a team submission, does that mean all team members will have access to work at the same time?
    Yes, all team members can login from their account and do application submission on HackerEarth.

  11. Who will own the IP(Intellectual Property) Rights to the product that I have built?
    All the IP of the application will remain with Avaya, please make sure that the idea submitted is an original idea and has not been used before.

  12. Who do I reach out to if I have technical questions on Avaya’s SDK or platform?
    You are requested to post your queries in the Discussion Forum. Avaya’s engineers will review the questions and respond back to any questions that are raised.

  13. Do all team members have to register for the Hackathon?
    All members of a team will need to register independently on the HackerEarth portal.

  14. Will I or the teams have to bear the Travel and Accomodation expenses for traveling to Pune for the event days?
    Avaya will provide the Travel and Accommodation expenses for the shortlisted participants including to/fro Air/Train fare and accommodation. Communication to the shortlisted candidates will be sent out accordingly. For the awards ceremony, to be held on Monday, May 8th, Avaya will also cover expenses for the additional day, for the winning teams only.

  15. What should I include in my idea submission?
    You need to write a detailed synopsis of your idea and how you will be making use of the Avaya CSDK in your application.
    However, your idea will be given more points if you include the following:
    A synopsis of their idea.
    Presentations (in any form they feel comfortable – Word, PDF, PPT, Videos) about the idea and what their App does.
    How you have utilized the Avaya components

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