Hack for a job @ a startup

122 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2
122 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 2

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Apr 22, 2016, 05:00 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Apr 23, 2016, 10:00 AM UTC (UTC)


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Startup Hackajob 2016

Hack for a job @ a startup


“The secret to successful hiring is this: look for the people who want to change the world.“  ** - Marc Benioff, Salesforce CEO**

Startups are the strongest engines for change in the world today. The Startup Hackajob 2016, hosted at In5 Innovation Centre on April 22nd, is an invitation to compete for a chance to change the world, as a part of a fast growing startup.

Adding a 10X engineer to a strong founding team can end up being a startup's most powerful weapon. These output driven hackers are asked to go above and beyond what they know as the first employees in startups and deliver challenging projects on the fly. It's a perfect place to hone your skills and grow beyond what you once thought was possible.

4 of the region's most promising startups are challenging programmers to join their fast growing teams in a Startup Hackajob event on April 22nd. The event will be organized by SquareCircle Tech and supported by In5 Innovation Centre

If this sound like your kind of night, then you are invited to come and solve startups' most pressing technical challenges in a 24-hour style sprint to prove your worth through your code

This is an event that invites tech talent of all ages to prove they have the skills to take a startup to the next level, whether you are:

  • A fresh graduate eager to join the startup world (and scared of a boring desk job)
  • A tech talent stuck in a corporate job that no longer challenges you
  • A skilled student looking for a tech-heavy part-time/internship role that doesn't involve making others coffee

You just need to be a hacker ;)

With 8 challenges theres a Startup Challenge for everybody to show their skills!

How does it work?

  1. Startups design Hack Challenges for open positions.
  2. Developers sign up to different challenges and code through a 24 hour hackathon sprint.
  3. Each Hacker presents his work to an initial panel of judges, a top 10 list of challengers are selected. Individual challenge winners will also be announced for hiring positions.
  4. A panel of industry experts and investors judge the top 10 and hand out prizes and award an overall winner.
  5. Winners of each individual challenge will be invited for personality interviews before being awarded the job positions as per the challenge description.

Learn more about the startups and their challenges http://www.startuphackajob.com/


The real prize here is a job at a fast growing startup! There are both full-time and part-time jobs available, and many that have equity compensation, so that is a real life prize!

However, the startups have also put together a surprise prize for a the Startup Hackajob Champion. We won't tell you what it is, but we will select one person to join us on a special adventure. We leave you with this quote as a teaser:

"Starting a startup is like throwing yourself off a cliff and assembling an airplane on the way down." - Reid Hoffman

*Participants can gain pre-hackathon bonus points by completing online challenges that will be considered in judging https://www.hackerearth.com/hack-a-job

What technical skills are these Startups looking for? tech-logos



InternsME SC-logo YAL logo


Wrappup Challenge #1: Web App Hack-a-Founder

Challenge description: Can you code as well as our founder? Rishav built a working MVP prototype of Wrappup in a 24 hour sprint at Angelhack Dubai, and his app won the competition. Can you match his skills in a Web App? The core functionality will be the ability to record audio from online meetings, mark important segments of the recording, add notes to those segments, and send out a follow-up email. Wrappup founders will be available for mentoring.

Prize: The Lead Web Developer role is up for grabs with this challenge. This job pays a full-time salary and has an employee equity compensation plan. Full Visa Sponsorship and Medical included Internships/part-time positions also a possibility for extraordinary student hackers

Wrappup Challenge #2: iOS Hack-a-Founder

Challenge description: Can you code as well as our founder? Rishav built a working MVP prototype of Wrappup in a 24 hour sprint at Angelhack Dubai, and his app won the competition. Can you match his skills in iOS? The core functionality will be the ability to record audio, mark important segments of the recording, add notes to those segments, and send out a follow-up email. Wrappup founders will be available for mentoring.

Prize: The lead iOS Developer role is up for grabs with this challenge. This job pays a full-time salary and has an employee equity compensation plan. Full Visa Sponsorship and Medical included Internships/part-time positions also a possibility for extraordinary student hackers

Wrappup Challenge #3: Python Ninja

Challenge description:

Option #1: Can you build a phonetically powered search on audio? One of the major value propositions of Wrappup is having the ability of searching anything that was said during the meeting. Speech search today is heavily reliant on transcript text and not on the actual phonetics. The search to be built should be able to find any moment that you are looking based on what you can hear rather than what was transcribed

Option #2: Can you create a live multi-user tagging experience? One of Wrappup’s custom built algorithm is crowd sourced multi-user recording. The challenge is to create a live display & tagging experience wherein every user who is participating in the recording can see what topic is being talked about and all the highlights being tagged in real time.

Wrappup founders & IBM Watson team will be available for mentoring for both challenges.

Prize: Internship or part-time position and the IBM sponsored prize (TBD); full-time positions with % equity are also a possibility for extraordinary Python hackers

Wrappup Challenge #4: Microsoft Extraordinaire

Challenge description:

Option #1: Can you code as well as our founder? Rishav built a working MVP prototype of Wrappup in a 24 hour sprint at Angelhack Dubai, and his app won the competition. Can you match him in a windows app? The core functionality will be the ability to record audio, mark important segments of the recording, add notes to those segments, and send out a follow-up email.

Option #2: Can you integrate Wrappup with Office 365? A good meeting starts with preparation, and that’s why Wrappup helps you build an agenda and targeted outcomes for your meeting invites. Can you build an Outlook Add-in and login through Office 365 in under 24hours? Wrappup founders & Microsoft staff will be available for mentoring for both challenges.

Prize: Internship or part-time position and the Microsoft sponsored prize (TBD); full-time positions with % equity are also a possibility for extraordinary hackers

Mr Draper Challenge #1: Stylist Recommendation Engine

Challenge description: Data-driven decisions. At the heart of our business is the data that we collect to help drive better decisions. You will receive several sheets of data surrounding our customers and inventory including: Package history details: kept and return items Height, weight and body shape details Brand selections from profile questionnaire Each SKU, how often they’re sent and returned

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to identify patterns in the data that will help stylists make a better selection for customers retuning to use the service again. Some correlations we are looking for: Will “body doubles” help us determine better sizing by brand and category by customer? Do the “sense of style”, “comfortable looks, and “brand” selections during the registration questionnaire determine the type of purchases and spend of that customer? Combined with all the information above, what sku has the best chance of being kept by the customer that was not already sent to them?

Prize: Internships/part-time positions

LUNCH:ON Challenge #1: LUNCH:ON Architect

Challenge Description: We have lots of restaurants that have lots of items and branches. Each of these branches has varying capacities. Your mission is to design a platform that accounts for a restaurant with many items, and n number of branches that can fulfill the order. We need to create menus that have 3 items; 1 meat, 1 veg a 1 lite and schedule these menus for dispatch from one of the restaurants branches. As users place orders we need an algorithm that allows for excess orders beyond each branch’s capacity by allocating to the next available branch. Write an algorithm that will achieve this flawlessly. Your mission should you choose to accept is to build a database schema, data process flow and a basic front end interface that can run this algorithm.

Prize: A Software Engineer position is up for grabs with this challenge. This job pays a full-time salary and Employee equity compensation plan. Full Sponsorship and Medical included. At LUNCH:ON, you will be amongst a team that is; Obsessed with delivering convenience and the best customer service; Building local restaurant communities, helping them to increase their revenues; Technologically innovative in developing and scaling our distributed food delivery model; Operationally driven to ensure delicious food is delivered to continuously delight our users.

Bridg Challenge #1: SDK Hacker

Challenge description: Developers will be given the Bridg SDK, with documentation that explains the general flow as well as an overview of the Bridg application. The Developer will have to write a demo app on Android and/or iOS that will do the following: Discover nearby customers, and merchants Send bill to charge a specific customer Accept or reject the bill

Prize: Internship or part-time position; full-time positions with % equity are also a possibility for extraordinary coders.

Bridg Challenge #2: Bluetooth Extraordinaire

Challenge description: Create a chatting library/framework using BLE, as well as an application on Android, iOS or Windows Phone to find and chat with nearby users. The library/framework and the app should have the following functionalities: discovery of other users chatting with a selected user In addition, the library/framework should be designed and implemented so that it could be used by 3rd-party users, not only internal.

Prize: Internship or part-time position; full-time positions with % equity are also a possibility for extraordinary coders.

LUNCH:ON Challenge #2: LUNCH:ON Front-end Picasso

Challenge Description: Design a weekly scheduler interface that will be used to schedule restaurant menus at our different companies.

Create this view using HTML, CSS3 and JavaScript enabling the admin to create menus and assign them to our different companies for dispatch from various branches.

-4 companies -5 restaurants each with 2 branches -Each restaurant has 3 or more menus -Each Menu consists of 3 items (Meat, Veg and Lite) -User can schedule up to N number of weeks

Prize: Internship or part-time position; full-time positions are also a possibility for extraordinary coders.

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SquareCircle Tech Ecosystem Development at sameer@squarecircletech.com
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