Rural Development Hackathon

3586 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3
3586 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 3

Winners are announced.

idea phase
starts on:
Jan 01, 2018, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 28, 2018, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
starts on:
Feb 04, 2018, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 27, 2018, 06:25 PM UTC (UTC)


Update- Results will be announced by 21 March 2018.

In India, out of total population of 1.3 billion, over 800 million live in rural areas. Thus, nearly 70 % of India’s population lives in rural areas.

Yes, rural India is “media dark,” lacks proper infrastructure and healthcare. But contrary to popular belief rural India is not lacking behind in technology adoption. TRAI report states ~ 200 Million [17% of 950 Million] people from rural India as opposed to ~ 275 Million [60% of 450 Million] from urban India use the Internet on their mobile devices.

It’s time that we focus on Technology Solutions that can ENHANCE life in rural India by diffusing critical problems they face. India developers community aka WE, don’t lack talent, we don’t lack ideas but we lack initiative, let’s move ahead from REFLECTION TO ACTION.

You can turn your groundbreaking ideas into action for lasting social change. This is your chance to participate and build apps and solutions that will uplift the lives of fellow citizens in rural and impoverished areas, whose only access to technology, communication, and knowledge is through their mobile phone.

Register now and work on your idea. You could not only win PRIZES but also help YOUR APP/SOLUTION REACH THE MASSES, with help of our partner network.

Please refer to the Idea Submission Template here. We recommend that you submit your ideas in the specified format.

Sponsors and Partners

Media Partner

Community Partner


Please refer to the Idea Submission Template here. We recommend that you submit your ideas in the specified format.

Optimized agriculture transport logistics
Matching demand and supply of agriculture inputs
Open Innovation

India’s agricultural sector seems to have been left behind in the digitally-driven march toward progress. This socially and economically important sector needs investment and initiatives for the widespread adoption of technology. For sustainable outcomes, only the smart application of tech and scientific advances can boost rural growth and agricultural productivity. Read more.

Volunteer/Teaching Staff management system for Teach for INDIA
Yuva Disha Employment Helpline by Nirmaan
Open Innovation

Despite spending over $100 Billion on education, India faces crises aplenty. The biggest contributor the decline in learning is perhaps the shortage of teachers. India’s far from boasting a well-rounded education system with 1000s of her children lacking access to basic education because of poverty, unqualified teaching staff, and outdated teaching methods and curriculum. Read more.

First 1000 days
Open Innovation

For millions of people in developing countries, basic healthcare is still not a reality. Despite commendable efforts, enough has not been achieved in breaking down geographical/financial/cultural barriers plaguing the less fortunate. In India, quality healthcare during pregnancy, childbirth, and the early days of the newborn continues to be a faraway dream for the low-income groups. Read more.

Technology as an enabler for Rural Distribution System
Open Innovation
Giving back initiative by Nirmaan

If you are an avant-garde thinker, brimming with innovative ideas to help uplift the quality of life in India’s villages, send your submissions to us. It doesn’t matter if your idea doesn’t fall under any of the above-mentioned themes, because there is always room for an idea that promises to make a difference! Read more.


Main Prizes
First Prize
INR 50,000
Second Prize
INR 20,000
Third Prize
INR 10,000

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